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My name is Katarzyna Staszel-Chmiel, I was born 17.04.1996 in Zakopane, small city in Tatra Mountains. Most of my life I have spent there – near nature and highlanders culture. That's what had the biggest impact on me as a designer and as a human. After I graduated  Antoni Kenar's high school of Art, I started studying at the Jan Matejko's Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, faculty of Industrial Design, where I got  into product design, and realised that I love the way it challenges me in everyday life – sloving problems, making our daily rutines easier and more pleasant is what I like the most. I'm super-enthusiastic when it comes to using natural materials and traditional crafts while working on projects – in love with every kind of handcrafts.

In the meantime I usually travel and spend time outdoors – skiing, climbing, cycling or just doing nothing :) 


2009-2015: Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Sztuk Pięknych im.A.Kenara w Zakopanem
2012: Wymiana międzynarodowa w 
2015-2019: Studia licencjackie na Wydziale Form Przemysłowych Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie  
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